Museum of the African Diaspora 685 Mission St San Francisco, CA 94105 USA
May 5, 2016
4:30 am
7:00 am
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Sweet and Dandy is an 8-week film series featuring an entertaining mix of documentaries, shorts and narratives complementing both exhibitions on view at Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD) The Grace Jones Project and Dandy Lion: (Re)Articulating Black Masculine Identity. The films explore how fashion, music and performance are expressions of resistance and pleasure, defying confining interpretations of race and masculinity/femininity in global Black communities.

THIS IS NOT A SUIT (8 minutes, black and white, 2010, Adrien Sauvage) - Self-taught British/Ghanaian designer Sauvage produced, directed and stars in his first film which illuminates his first collection and its underlying philosophy. The film was presented as an amusing instructional guide to the art of dressing and the designer's creative process.

Followed by the documentary BLACK DANDY – Political Beauty (54 minutes, 2015, Laurent Lunetti and Ariel Wizman) which examines some of the historical and resistance based origins of Black male style and its roots in African cultures. It extends from the American South, to New York, among Black immigrants in Europe, the Congolese sapeurs and South African townships. Dandy Lion’s curator Shantrelle Lewis is interviewed in the film as are several of the artists in the exhibit.

Purchase advance tickets here

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